The White Buffalo Brings Soulful Folk to SoCal

The White Buffalo, aka Jake Smith, hosted a night of soulful sounds at The Observatory in Santa Ana last week. With the support of Deeptrees, fans were in for a night full of musical bliss and classic folk magic.

Deeptrees (Andrew Marshall)

Deeptrees opened to warm the crowd up with sounding like Tom Petty meets Don McLean. Drew Lawrence performed all-original acoustic guitar and piano tunes seeping with nostalgia. The mix included a thought-provoking homage to those who lost homes in the LA wildfires. All before The White Buffalo took the Observatory stage in Santa Ana, California.

The White Buffalo (Andrew Marshall)

Jake Smith took the stage to roaring cheers from the crowd, and performed Wish It Was True solo. Then the band came out and tunes such as “Come Join The Murder,” “Set My Body Free,” and of course their cover of “The House of the Rising Sun” got the crowd dancing. The Observatory was packed all the way to the bar with fans of the rebel-folk-country group, and they were not disappointed. The punching drums of The Machine, the deep beautiful baritone voice of Jake Smith and the upbeat, intricate guitar-playing of Chris Hoffee will be visiting a few California towns for the rest of March and April, and then will be in Florida in May. Future dates are available here!

GALLERY: The White Buffalo with Deeptrees at The Observatory in Santa Ana, California (February 28, 2025)